Vermin Farming Build*fast*
The point of this build is not to use Glads stance, or anything, but to do actual axe attacks, yes it has to be axe, to deal damage, while gaining hp from your enchants. This is used mainly for vermin, but could probably be pretty easily tweeked for trolls, and if your good enough, probably even avicara. The build is as follows
W/Mo*of course*
9 Healing
8+2 Strength(headgear and minor rune)
11+2 Axe Mastery(major rune)
8+1 Tactics(minor rune)
-Triple Chop(elite-Can be capped form Wing Three-Blades, in the Wajun Bazzar)
-Cyclone Axe
-Executioner Srike(can be switched out if you see more useful, though it helps on Shredder Sharptalon)
-Dolyak Signet(prevents Entangling Asp Knockdown)
-Balanced Stance(overlappting with Dolyak Signet, creates a solid base to never be knocked down, making it impossible for you to miss with your cyclone and triple chop)
-Vig. Spirit(Need I explain?)
-Live Vicariously(again, I refuse to explain.)
-Balthazars Spirit(Most of your skills use energy, and having the +1 energy per hit on you really helps, and with 15-20 vermin on you at once, you, this manages energy fine....Who needs bonettis anyway?)
In case you did not know, and you want to try farming vermin, Vermin are located in the Xaquang(spelling error possibly?) Skyway. To get to them take a left turn straight out of senjis, and head to a burning building in the distance. This will be the main area of the Vermin.
I like to farm vermin instead of trolls because they drop black dyes often(yes, it is often in relation to normal drop rates of black dyes), as well as the fact that it is crazy fast once you get the hang of it. They drop about 50-70 gold when they do, which is often, along with items that sell from 50-70. Their hides can be traded in at a Collector,for 125g items like trolls, right outside of Senjis corner, on your way to the vermins. So please, do NOT spam me with messages of "OHH troll farming this, and troll farming that." Im doing this to get some feedback on my build(i have never seen it online before, so im calling it my build), and to help some people who are just plain bored of troll farming.
If you have any suggestions, or feedback, please write away. If you have questions, send me a pm on guru, or Sever All Ties and St Albitine are my in game characters
Your Friend,